Quick Exit
Posted 5th February

A letter to my younger self

By Mistigris

A letter to my younger self

To my younger self,

It was not your fault, and it still isn’t, you tried your best and your words echo through your head. No means no and consent is important, you voiced that feeling but he did not listen, it is not your fault. You are a child. You didn’t know the hurt a loved one could cause, someone you trust. We both know and still do that despite our pleads for freedom he would still do it either way because he was a tyrant. Someone who took and took until we had nothing left and quickly exited our lives leaving us feeling hurt and damaged. We are not the problem, he is. We are united but you are kept down, deep in the darkest corner of my soul, scared and hurting. You are not the problem, you are me and I, you. We have both experienced this and yet we have blossomed from it. If I were able to tell you anything, over and over I would yell that you did not ask for this, and it is not your fault. You gave it your all and you did what you could, but he was stronger, vaster and scarier. You could not control him, but he could control you, one lifted finger and you were at his order. You did not understand because you were a child. It is okay, it will get better, the wounds will begin to soothe, they will not bleed and gush and sting as much as they do now. You have found safety; you will be okay love.

Yours sincerely,

Your older self

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