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The Green House VOICE Project

The Green House VOICE project ensures that the voices of survivors and those with lived experience of supporting them are heard.

We think lived experience should be at the front and centre of conversations about how best to support survivors and their families, and how to prevent sexual harm  – here at The Green House and more widely, in health, education and the justice system, in how the media tells our stories and how decision-makers work out what to fund.   

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What is the Voice project about?

We know that many young people who come to us have experienced feeling silenced, unable to speak their truth, or not listened to when they have tried. We provide tangible opportunities to have a very different experience – for your ideas and suggestions to be listened to, taken seriously, and be part of making positive change.

We also know that we have amazing young people, parents and carers who come to us with a lot of creativity, a lot of passion, a lot of valid anger, and a wish to make things better for others.  

Our VOICE project has several different strands:

  • Actively listening to feedback on every part of our service and working to act on it
  • A regular monthly Young People’s Voice Group which decides on priorities for action and works to create change.
  • A regular monthly Parent Voice Group which decides on priorities for action and works to create change
  • A Green House Network where everyone involved in our service can get involved in projects, from research to creative writing.
  • Regular communications across the Green House community, including words by survivors for survivors.
  • Building voice, visibility and leadership across adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse through creative leadership programmes developed in partnership with other organisations.
  • Holding the UK’s annual Festival of Activism Against Sexual Abuse.
It feels good to work together as a group to take things from our experience to make someone else’s experience better. And it’s nice to meet other people who have experienced similar things to you. (Young person) 
I gained a new support network and have called upon my teammates in a tight spot! (Parent)  
I never expected that we would laugh so much! It feels good to have a space to laugh and share. And also feels good to make some change. Helping others is very cathartic and healing in its own way and it feels like we are all stronger parents for it. (Parent) 

Our Nature Based Creative Therapy Group 

This 12-week therapy group focuses on providing non-judgemental support and a sense of community to young people aged 15-18 who have experienced sexual abuse or assault.

Being in nature can be calming and grounding and it has been proven to improve wellbeing, boost confidence and reduce trauma symptoms. Working in a small group outdoors can help us connect with ourselves and others, the world around us, and we can learn from nature too.

Our Parent Group

Groups at the Green House are designed to support young people and their families to connect with their community and develop an understanding of trauma and its impacts.

Our Parent Group offers support to parents/guardians of children who have experienced sexual abuse. The group explores the impact of trauma and parenting approaches in response to sexual trauma and parental wellbeing.