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Support Us

The Green House is a charity which provides safe, welcoming support for children, their families and carers living in Avon and Somerset. 19,000 children and young people from that area will experience sexual abuse every year before the age of 16, and we want to help them.

Your kind donation makes sure that we can help as many children and young people as possible to recover and lead happy healthy lives.

“The knot that is always in my belly has let go. I feel like I can breathe again’ 
“There’s no question of it, we wouldn’t be here without the Green House services. You have been here every step of the way, you give so much and have taught us things as a family that will help us for the future. We can’t thank you enough.”
More ways you can support us…

Hold a fundraising event for friends or at work.

Put us forward to be Charity of the Year at your place of work.

If we can help with any of the above please get in touch.