Drama and Movement Therapy
What is drama and movement therapy…
Drama and movement therapy uses storytelling, movement, play, drama and puppetry to support both verbal and non-verbal self-expression allowing difficult and even overwhelming feelings and experiences to be explored at a safe distance and a steady pace. No previous experience in drama or acting is needed before coming to drama therapy – you will be supported by your therapist to find ways of using imagination and play as a resource.
What could I expect in my session…
Drama and movement therapy uses creative things like poetry, play, and exploring characters from stories, films and your imagination to help you express yourself. You work with your therapist to find ways that feel right for you. You will also work at your own pace- you don’t have to be ‘good’ at drama or acting! It’s OK to talk about difficult things that have happened to you in sessions and it’s also OK if you do not have the words – your therapist will be there to support you to find creative ways of thinking about your feelings and experiences in a way that feels manageable for you.