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Support for professionals.

We are introducing a new service to help professionals build their confidence and skills in working with children, young people and their families, who have experienced sexual abuse.

Advice, resources, and space to think with a trauma-informed lens about recovery after child sexual abuse.

Options to choose from:

  • Pre-referral Enquiry: talk with a specialist practitioner about a potential referral or ask some general questions about supporting a child (this can be anonymous if you dont have consent from the person to share their details at this stage)
  • Consultation: have up to 4 consultation sessions to help you support a child, young person or family (consent from the YP/parent needed)
  • Team workshop: book in a training session with a team/staff group in your organisation.

If you are a professional working with children or young people who have experienced sexual abuse and would like to know more or request a consultation, please email: info@the-green-house.org.uk

(NB: This is not a crisis support service. If you have immediate safeguarding concerns about a young person you are working with please refer to your own organisation’s procedures and policies.)

Pre-referral enquiry  

A one-off 30-minute phone or online call, which can be accessed anonymously, might be helpful if:

  • You are working with a CYP who has experienced sexual abuse and you are wondering if The Green House can offer support them
  • You are working with a CYP who doesn’t meet our referral criteria and you are wondering about how to support them
  • You are a professional working with a young person and are unsure if professional consultation is the right support for you
  • The child or young person you are working with does not yet know that you are aware that they have experienced sexual abuse


Please note consent needs to be gained from the parent/carer or young person if age 16+.

Up to 4 sessions with one of our Specialist Practitioners may be helpful if:

  • You are supporting a young person therapeutically who has disclosed sexual abuse. We can offer specialist advice around sexual trauma to assist you to continue to support them
  • If you are a social worker or early help practitioner who is completing an assessment for a child or young person who’s experienced a sexual trauma, we can help you to think it through. This may include attending a multi-agency meeting where necessary
  • You are already providing the child or young person with ongoing support (e.g. within your role in school / voluntary sector) and they don’t wish to have therapy with us

Team workshop:

If you are an organisation who regularly supports children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse and would like to consider training for an individual team lead or group of staff members, we can offer one-off workshops for small groups of staff (up to 20 people)

What you might gain?

  • A space to think about your work with a child or family in relation to sexual trauma
  • Trauma informed resources, approaches and signposting to support your work
  •  Confidence in thinking and talking about sexual abuse with children and families
  • Stronger working relationships and trust with children and their families to support recovery
  • Advice and resources from our Bluestar project establishing best practice for pre-trial therapy and support services

What we can/ can’t offer

What we can offer

  • Advice and support to professionals working with a family, or child or young person who is under 18 and has experienced childhood sexual abuse (Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BANES, and North Somerset only)
  • Attend multi-agency meetings to offer support and advice
  • General training sessions on child sexual abuse to teams and organisations, with follow up discussion to suit an organisation’s needs.

What We Can’t Offer:

  • Support around an individual child or young person where consent has not been gained from the family or child or young person (16+) (unless it is an anonymous one-off session)
  • Guidance and consultation when the primary need is to discuss the immediate safeguarding concerns and processes; these need to be discussed with social care first
  • Support where immediate safeguarding concerns have not already been raised
  • Consultation purely around safeguarding processes where this needs to be discussed with social care first
  • Support where the primary focus is on Harmful Sexual Behaviour or Child Sexual Exploitation (although signposting may be offered in these cases)
It was a helpful space to discuss the family with a focus on trauma and themes of sexual harm. (Social Worker)
I feel less alone; I hold so much and it's such a relief to talk to people who understand. Thank you. (Special Educational Need Coordinator)
I am conscious that there is a gap in my knowledge when it comes to sexual abuse and that is why my initial contact was looking for training. The links and literature that you have provided are useful and helps me to gain more knowledge around the subject and provides sources to go to for information.
“… the whole process from when i made the first contact felt supportive and i had a clear sense that there was a real person listening and trying to offer personalized support at the other end. (Dance Movement Psychotherapist)